Short Bio
I’m an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department, IT University of Copenhagen and member of the Programming, Logics and Semantics research group and the Center of Information Security and Trusts. I am also heading (linjeleder) the MSc. in Computer Science. study programme at ITU.
I received my PhD in Computer Science (Trust and Mobility) from BRICS, Aarhus University.
- I am the recipient of the ACM SIGPLAN POPL 2018 Most Influential Paper Award, for the Multiparty Asynchronous Session Types paper.
Research Interests
My core research interests are within applications of semantics, type theory, and linear logic to concurrency. In particular, I’m an expert in the pi-calculus concurrency model, session types, and choreographies.
The most (and very) up-to-date page is my DBLP entry. My ITU publication page is updated once a year. For old stuff, look here. My PhD thesis is here.
You can also find me on Google Scholar.
Current Projects
[2025-2028] PROBABILIstic Session Types (PROBABILIST), FNU Research Project 1, funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
[2021-2025] MECHANIsation of Session Types (MECHANIST), FNU Research Project 1, funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
Past Projects
[2024] Safer AI with Probabilistic Session Types (SAPienT), Research Stays at the University of Oxford, funded by the Carlsberg Foundation
[2023-2024] GrAdual sessIoN typEs for pRivacy (GAINER), 2022 WhatsApp Research Awards: Privacy Aware Program Analysis.
[2019-2023] Behavioural Application Program Interfaces (BehAPI), Site Leader, European RISE Action (EU HORIZON 2020, MSCA RISE, ID 778233)
Recent Community Service
- CP 2024 (PC)
- TYPES 2024 (PC and local organiser)
- Radical’23 (PC)
- PLACES’22 (PC chair)
- FORTE’20 (PC)
Postdocs/PhD Students/RA
- Emil Kistensen (2023-2024, research assistant/predoc)
- Dawit Tirore (2021-2024, PhD student)
- Agata Murawska (2017-18, postdoc, now software developer at Deon Digital)
- Fabrizio Montesi (2011-14, PhD student, now full professor at SDU)
- Tijs Slaats (2009-12, PhD student, co-supervised, now associate professor at DIKU)
- Hugo A. Lopez (2009-12, PhD student, co-supervised, now associate professor at DTU)